Our specialist services include:

  • Environmental licensing support
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • Water Framework Directive Assessment
  • Habitats Regulations Assessment
  • ​Marine Conservation Zone Assessment
  • Environmental management plans
  • Best Practice Environmental Option Assessment (BPEO)
  • Environmental site supervision
  • Advice on complying with marine environmental legislation and policy

​       >more about our services

Founded in 2015, Harris Holden specialises in providing environmental consultancy services to ports and harbours and the offshore renewable energy sector.

Our Expertise

About Us

Katherine (Harris) Holmes

Director, Harris Holden

MSc, CEnv, C.WEM

Katherine is a Chartered Environmentalist with 16 years’ experience in the marine and coastal environmental sector.

Having worked as environment manager for a major UK port and as a principal EIA consultant, Katherine has a comprehensive understanding of the UK environmental legislative framework. She is experienced in environmental consenting and EIA for marine and coastal developments across the ports, dredging and renewable energy industries. She has an established track record in obtaining marine licences.

Katherine is a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST), and is a Committee Member and Treasurer of the Central Dredging Association (UK Section). 

>more about our projects